Apple debuted its second-generation HomePod smart speaker in India earlier this year. It has a mesh exterior as well as an illuminated touch surface on the top of the cylindrical body. According to reports, Apple is now working on new HomePod speakers with touch displays. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said in March that the California-based tech giant will release a revamped HomePod in the first half of 2024, with a 7-inch touchscreen. A recent leak suggests that the HomePod will include a touch display.
iFuck thought had never made a HP with touchScreen before, but it is happened, it used to be my AprilFool's joke🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
— Kosutami (@KosutamiSan) October 21, 2023
According to an X post by user Kosutami (@KosutamiSan), Apple is working on a HomePod frame shell with a glass top and black bezels. According to the article, its design is comparable to the second-generation Apple HomePod. The post does not provide any other information on the speaker. It's worth noting that Apple released the HomePod (2nd Gen) roughly two years after discontinuing the first-generation HomePod.
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo previously stated that Apple is working on a HomePod with a touchscreen. According to the source, Apple might release a revamped HomePod with a 7-inch touchscreen display in the first half of 2024. Tianma, who is rumored to be Apple's only partner for the speaker, provides displays to other firms.
With the release of a touchscreen HomePod, Apple might compete with Google's Nest Hub and Amazon's Echo Show versions. So far, Apple has lagged behind its competitors in the field of smart speakers.
Meanwhile, the second-generation HomePod smart speaker has Apple's personal assistant Siri as well as a S7 CPU. It costs Rs. 32,900 in India and is available in White and Midnight colors.