Poco C51 was introduced in India in April of this year. The device is now available in the nation in a new edition with additional RAM and storage. An octa-core MediaTek Helio G36 SoC and a 5,000mAh battery power the Poco C51. Initially, the phone was only available in a single 4GB + 64GB storage configuration. The phone is now available on Flipkart with increased RAM and internal storage. The Poco smartphone is now available in two color options.
Price and availability of the Poco C51 in India
The Poco C51's first 4GB + 64GB storage option is available in India for Rs. 6,499. The new 6GB + 128GB variant is available on Flipkart for Rs. 8,999, with bank discounts of up to 10% off. The phone is available in two colors: Power Black and Royal Blue.
Specs and features of the Poco C51
The Poco C51 has a 6.52-inch HD+ (1600 x 720 pixels) display, a touch sampling rate of 120Hz, and a peak brightness level of 400 nits. It comes pre-installed with Android 13 (Go Edition). The phone is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G36 SoC with up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage.
The phone has an 8-megapixel main sensor, a secondary depth sensor, and a 5-megapixel selfie sensor on the front. On the back panel, there is a fingerprint sensor for security. The Poco C51 comes with a 5,000mAh battery. It has 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Glonass, and Beidou connectivity, as well as a micro-USB connection. The phone also features a 3.5mm audio jack. The handset weighs 192 grams and measures 76.75mm x 164.9mm x 9.09mm.