WhatsApp has been seen distributing a new option for the recently launched quick video message function. Last month, the messaging app introduced the ability to capture and distribute real-time video communications. The function, which allows users to share up to 60-second videos, is enabled by default in the app's settings. However, the latest WhatsApp beta version for Android and iOS has purportedly incorporated a new choice in the app's settings that would give users more control.
According to WABetaInfo, the WhatsApp beta for iOS and WhatsApp beta for Android version has introduced a new option for the quick video messaging function. It will allow users to either enable or disable the functionality by heading to the app's settings and switching to sending voice messages instead. Users will, however, continue to get video messages even if they switch off the capability on their phones.
According to the report, several users have noticed the option switched off. As a result, users who want to send instant video messages should verify their WhatsApp settings.
Users may access this new functionality by downloading the latest WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store and the latest WhatsApp beta for iOS through the TestFlight app. It will apparently be available to additional people in the following days.
The instant messaging software just added the option to capture short movies and transmit them as messages. Users will see a video recorder icon next to the text field as part of the feature (similar to the voice recording option). They may record and transmit a real-time video message of up to 60 seconds by pressing that. Notably, these messages are also end-to-end encrypted. Upon receipt, the movies play without sound by default. Users must tap on the video twice to activate the sound for the video message. WhatsApp currently allows users to transmit photographs or pre-recorded films as media attachments in text messages.