The Boat Wave Elevate wristwatch, which looks quite similar to the Apple Watch Ultra, has been introduced in India. The Boat smartwatch has a 1.96-inch HD display with a max brightness of 500 nits. It supports Bluetooth calling and lets users save up to 20 contacts. The smartwatch has a dialpad, as well as a built-in speaker and microphone. It tracks almost 50 different sports. It also has a band similar to the Apple Watch Ultra. The wristwatch also has health-tracking features such as a heart rate sensor and an oxygen saturation monitor.
Boat Wave Elevate price and availability in India
The Boat Wave Elevate smartwatch costs Rs. 2,299 in India. Notably, the business states that this is an introductory price and has yet to publish the smartwatch's retail price. It comes in four different colors: grey, black, green, and orange. The smartwatch will be available for purchase on Amazon beginning September 6 at 12 p.m.
Specs and features of the Boat Wave Elevate
The Boat Wave Elevate smartwatch has a 1.96-inch HD (240x292 pixel) display with up to 500nits of brightness. The dial on the watch is square. It has Bluetooth calling capabilities, allowing users to make and receive phone calls directly from the watch. The watch also contains a built-in microphone and speaker, as well as a dialpad. It also enables users to save up to 20 contacts on the watch.
The wristwatch also has health-tracking capabilities such as SpO2 monitoring, heart rate sensors, and sleep tracking. In addition to over 50 sports modes, the Boat Wave Elevate has a daily activity tracker and sedentary warnings. The wristwatch is also dust and water resistant, with an IP67 rating.
The Boat Wave Elevate smartwatch is said to last up to five days under heavy use and two days with Bluetooth calling. In standby mode, the watch should last up to 15 days. Other features of the watch notification include SMS, social networking, and app notifications. According to the business, it also has music controls, camera controls, weather updates, and alarms.