Qualcomm revealed the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 at its annual Snapdragon Summit event on Tuesday. The new processor will power top Android smartphones from a variety of manufacturers set to appear in the coming weeks and months, beginning with the Xiaomi 14 on October 26. OEMs such as Asus, Honor, iQoo, Meizu, Nio, Nubia, OnePlus, Oppo, Realme, Redmi, Red Magic, Sony, Vivo, Xiaomi, and ZTE will release smartphones using the new processor.
The Xiaomi 14 will be the company's next flagship smartphone, launching on October 26. It will be the first device to use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU. Although company president William Lu has acknowledged the debut of the device in China, the business has not declared the launch of the Xiaomi 14 in other territories, including India.
On November 7, iQoo has set a launch event in China to introduce the iQoo 12 — this phone has been verified to be packed with Qualcomm's newest flagship processor. Both Vivo and Realme have announced the release of smartphones equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC.
Meanwhile, OnePlus and Oppo will release phones that use the latest Snapdragon CPU. The next device from the former will be known as the OnePlus 12, however the firm has yet to disclose a release date. On the other hand, the Oppo Find X7 Pro will be the company's first smartphone to use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor.
The Redmi K70 will be the company's first smartphone powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC, although there is no official launch date for the device as of the time of writing. ZTE, on the other hand, has stated that forthcoming phones from Nubia and Red Magic would have the top Snapdragon CPU.
Honor, Asus, Sony, and Motorola are among the other smartphone makers who have stated that their future flagship phones would contain the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU without releasing the names of the smartphones. In the next days and weeks, we may anticipate additional smartphone manufacturers to announce plans to release devices powered by the latest Snapdragon CPU.
Tags: #qualcomm #qualcommsnapdragon #snapdragon8gen3 #oneplus12 #xiaomi14 #iqoo12 #realmegt5pro #techtainmentora