The Tecno Phantom V Flip 5G was announced on Friday and is now available in India. This is the company's second foldable smartphone. The Tecno Phantom V Fold, the company's first foldable, was announced earlier this year at the Mobile World Congress 2023 event in Barcelona and was then sold in India in April. The Phantom V Flip clamshell foldable, about which we previously spoke extensively, is now available in two color variants. The device has a circular outer display with the back camera unit enclosing it.
Price and availability of the Tecno Phantom V Flip 5G
The Tecno Phantom V Flip 5G is available in Iconic Black and Mystic Dawn. The handset's single 8GB RAM + 256GB storage variant is available in India for an early bird pricing of Rs. 49,999. The foldable will be available for purchase on Amazon beginning at 12 p.m. IST on October 1. The phone will be available in additional nations shortly, according to the manufacturer.
Specs and features of the Tecno Phantom V Flip 5G
The Phantom V Flip 5G has a 6.9-inch full-HD+ (2400 x 1080 pixels) flexible AMOLED inner display with a brightness rating of 1000nits. The circular AMOLED cover panel with an Always-On display measures 1.32 inches and has comparable features. From the cover screen, users will be able to respond to messages.
The clamshell foldable is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 8050 SoC with an Arm Mali-G77 GPU, 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM that can be virtually expanded up to 16GB, and 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage. It comes pre-installed with Android 13.5 and guarantees two years of OS upgrades and three years of security fixes.
The Phantom V Flip's rear camera unit consists of a 64-megapixel main sensor and a 13-megapixel sensor with a wide-angle lens. It comes with a Quad Flashlight unit. The front camera has a 32-megapixel sensor and is located in a hole-punch slot at the top of the primary display.
The Phantom V Flip 5G features Ella GPT 3.0 in addition to 5G, Wi-Fi 6, NFC, and Bluetooth 5.1 connection. The phone has a 4,000mAh battery and supports 45W wired fast charging. The handset dimensions 171.72mm x 74.05mm x 6.95mm when folded. It measures 88.77mm x 74.05mm x 14.95mm when folded.
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