Telegram first made the stories feature available to premium users in July, before making it available to all users in August. The business has now updated the tool to enable users to add music and reaction stickers to their tales. Furthermore, users may email and share material in view-once mode, which can be altered at any moment. Telegram has recently made it possible to post tales to channels. To do so, they must accept boots from their consumers.
Telegram made its Stories feature accessible to all users in August. It functions similarly to Instagram tales, allowing users to post tales lasting 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. The social media platform has now expanded the option to upload tales to Telegram Channels. They will, however, need a push from Premium subscribers to do so. Telegram Premium will provide one boost per user to any channel. As the channels earn boosts, they will progress to higher levels. Channel administrators can submit one more tale every day with each level. Users may still choose which Channels they want to see news on. Channels may find out how many boosts they need to level up by visiting Channel Info > More > Statistics > Boosts.
Another enhancement is the option to add reaction stickers and music to tales. Users and channels may post reaction stickers, which viewers can respond to with a simple tap. Users may add a reaction sticker by clicking on the icon in the sticker panel and selecting any emoji from the available selections. While Premium users can add up to 5 reaction stickers each article, non-Premium users can only add one reaction sticker per story. Users may add music to their tales by heading to Audio > Select file > Adjust the track. They can also retain the original audio.
Telegram, like WhatsApp and Instagram, allows users to send material using a view-once option. Users can choose between a view-once option and a 30-second display mode. When a media file is accessed in view-once mode, it is permanently deleted, and the viewer is unable to save or take screenshots of it.
Finally, every time a user logs in from a new device, Telegram will give them a login notice. They may also examine all of the devices on which they are currently signed in by heading to Settings > Devices. Users can enable two-step verification for an extra degree of protection. They must do so by going to Settings > Privacy and Security > Two-Step Verification.
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