The business will shortly debut the Lava Blaze Pro 5G smartphone. The device is a 5G model of the Lava Blaze Pro, which was released in India in September. A YouTube teaser revealed the forthcoming phone's debut date. Lava has also revealed the design and specifications of the Blaze Pro 5G. The phone will include a dual back camera configuration as well as an LED flash. The camera sensors are depicted as being contained in two circular camera modules that are vertically arranged on the rear panel.
In a YouTube video, Lava announced the launch of the Lava Blaze Pro 5G in India on September 26 at 12pm. The business has published a teaser film previewing the next handset's design and features. The phone will be available in two colors: black and off-white. The phone will come with two circular camera modules housing a dual back camera array and an LED flash. The primary sensor on the device will be 50 megapixels. The Lava 5G logo will be located on the bottom right side of the phone.