According to fresh information that has appeared online ahead of the release of Android 14, the release date may be pushed out to next month. Google had originally planned to release the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source code for the next edition of its Android operating system on Tuesday. Mishaal Rahman, an Android specialist, has disclosed that it may now debut in October, alongside the search giant's impending Google Pixel 8 line of devices. Meanwhile, Google unveiled a new three-dimensional Android logo that will display on Android smartphones and gadgets in the coming months.
According to information supplied by Rahman on Wednesday, Google has told original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that the Android 14 Security Release Notes would be posted on October 4 with specifics on the vulnerabilities that have been resolved. He goes on to say that the decision to postpone the release was made "very late," and OEMs were anticipating the code on Tuesday.
Hearing now that the source code release of Android 14 has been delayed to next month.
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) September 5, 2023
This decision seems to have been made very late, as even OEMs were anticipating that the release would be today.
OEMs are now being told that vulnerabilities detailed in the Android 14…
Rahman speculates that the new Android 14 release date may coincide with the launch of the Pixel 8 series – the firm has traditionally published the source code for its next Android operating system ahead of the introduction of new smartphone models. Google published Android 13 and its source code in September of last year, followed by the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro the following month.
Google announced the release of the latest quarterly Feature Drop update on Tuesday. On Lookout, the first feature is Image Q&A, which gives audio explanations for every image and allows users to ask follow-up questions. The At a Glance widget has also been upgraded with AI technologies to display information about impending flights, weather, and other significant events on the home screen.
Meanwhile, Google is bringing support for unknown tracker notifications to Android phones, allowing them to identify unexpected and unwanted Bluetooth trackers that are pinpointing their location. According to Google, Gmail users will be able to utilize a new email translation capability, while WhatsApp users will be able to view their chats from their Wear OS wearable.
Google has also began revamping the Android logo, which now depicts the insect droid with a three-dimensional body, as well as capitalizing the term. According to the business, the revamped 3D bug droid logo and enhanced Android branding will begin to appear on devices in the coming months.