On Tuesday (September 12), Apple introduced the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2. The new Apple Watch Series 9 is the eleventh generation in the Cupertino company's line of smartwatches. The latest versions appear to be very comparable to the Apple Watch Series 8. It does, however, have new hardware features that are said to increase performance. The Apple S9 SiP (system in package) is one of Apple's latest wearables. The Apple Watch Series 9 is available in 41mm and 45mm sizes, whereas the Apple Watch Ultra is only available in 49mm. They also provide compatibility for the WatchOS 10 software.
Apple Watch Series 9 pricing and availability in India
In India, the Apple Watch Series 9 begins at Rs. 41,900. In the United States, it will cost $399 (about Rs. 33,000) at launch. The wearable is available in five different colors: Midnight, Starlight, Silver, (Product) Red, and a new Pink.
In India, the second-generation Apple Watch Ultra 2 costs Rs. 89,900. It costs $799 (approximately Rs. 64,000) in the United States. It is available in Alpine Loop, Trail Loop, and Ocean band configurations.
The Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 are now available for pre-order. They will be available for purchase beginning Friday, September 22.
To remember, the Apple Watch Series 8 GPS was priced at $399 (about Rs. 31,800) in the United States and Rs. 45,900 in India. Last year, Apple debuted the Apple Watch Ultra, which retailed for Rs. 89,900. In the United States, it costs $799 (approximately Rs. 63,600).
Specs and features of the Apple Watch Series 9
The Apple Watch Series 9 is available in 41mm and 45mm casing sizes. They, like the previous Watch Series 7 and Watch Series 8 models, have an always-on Retina display with a peak brightness of up to 2,000 nits. It claims to have a battery life of up to 18 hours on a single charge.
The Apple S9 SiP (system in package) with a second-generation Ultra Wideband (UWB) processor powers the smartwatch. Apple boasts that the new chip is 60% quicker than the Apple Watch Series 8 processor. The new wearable gives customers access to their health data via Siri. It has a "Double Tap" gesture that allows users to answer or finish a call, pause a timer, snooze a snoozer alarm, manage music, access the camera, and more by just touching their thumb and index finger fingers together. The Double Tap functionality will also allow users to launch the Smart Stack from the watch face and browse between widgets in the stack, thanks to the Digital Crown and Taptic Engine. Furthermore, the wearable may send a ping to the user's iPhone. It is also compatible with HomePod.
The Apple Watch Series 9 runs watchOS 10, which includes redesigned applications, a new Smart Stack, new watch faces, new cycling and hiking functions, and mental health tools. The wristwatch also has a four-core Neural Engine, which can handle machine learning tasks quicker than prior Watch Series 8 models. It is also reported to improve dictation accuracy by up to 25% over the Apple Watch Series 8.
Apple claims that the new model is the company's first carbon-neutral product.
Specs and features of the Apple Watch Ultra 2
The Apple Watch Ultra 2 has a 49mm casing and an enhanced Retina display with a peak brightness of up to 3,000 nits. The newest Apple Watch Ultra 2, like the Apple Watch Series 9, runs on the company's unique S9 SiP and features carbon-neutral choices. The flagship wristwatch includes sophisticated capabilities including as on-device Siri processing and better location monitoring.
The new high-end tough watch runs watchOS 10 and includes a new gesture known as Double Tap. Users may manage the Apple Watch Ultra 2 with only one hand and without touching the display thanks to this feature. It gets a new watch face, Modular Ultra, that displays current real-time data such as seconds, altitude, or depth. It has an altitude range for climbers and hikers ranging from 500 meters below sea level to 9,000 meters above sea level. The wearable provides a diving depth of 40 meters for water sports lovers.
The Apple Watch Ultra 2 is reported to have a battery life of up to 36 hours in typical use and up to 72 hours in Low Power Mode.
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