WhatsApp is bringing passkey support to Android, allowing users to securely log back in to their accounts using biometric verification or their device PIN. Previously, WhatsApp users had to log in using a one-time password (OTP) and an optional six-digit PIN for two-factor authentication. With the inclusion of passkey functionality, Android users will be able to log back in to their account using their phone's built-in face or fingerprint recognition capability and a passkey stored on their device.
A week after Google announced plans to abolish passwords across its services while delivering passkey support on Android and the web, WhatsApp launched passkey support for Android through X (previously known as Twitter). It is worth mentioning that the previous fingerprint lock option will remain available, and users can still log in by inputting their phone number and an OTP.
Android users can easily and securely log back in with passkeys 🔑 only your face, finger print, or pin unlocks your WhatsApp account pic.twitter.com/In3OaWKqhy
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) October 16, 2023
What exactly are passkeys?
A passkey is a safe alternative to using a password to log in to applications and services. Instead of entering a password and a secure OTP, you may use your fingerprint or PIN on your smartphone to confirm that you — the account owner — are attempting to login.
It is a Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) "secret" that is kept on a device such as a smartphone and used in place of passwords to log in to websites. Passkeys rely on two concurrent technologies: public key cryptography and biometric authentication on your smartphone.
Because public key cryptography is used, your passkey never leaves your device and remains secure even if WhatsApp's server is compromised - there are no passwords to steal. Because of the security advantages. Other organizations, like Adobe, Amazon, GitHub, Google, PayPal, and Uber, are working on — or have already implemented — passkey logins.
"Passkey verification will make it easier and more secure to log back into WhatsApp." "We're thrilled to bring this to WhatsApp and provide users with an extra layer of security," WhatsApp Head of Product Alice Newton-Rex previously stated.
How to create an Android Passkey in WhatsApp
To activate passkeys on WhatsApp for Android, start the app, go to the settings menu, and select Account > Passkeys > Create a passkey. Then, after reading the popup message explaining how passkeys work, hit Continue. Another Google Password Manager window will appear, asking whether you want to generate a passkey for WhatsApp; press Continue and Use screen lock to allow logging in using your phone's screen lock mode. You may now view the passkey that WhatsApp produced.
Gadgets 360 confirmed that passkey support was enabled on WhatsApp beta for Android version, as well as support for seamless logins utilizing biometric authentication. Users who are using the latest version of WhatsApp from the stable channel may have to wait a bit longer before the functionality becomes available on their handsets.