The Nokia 105 Classic was on sale in India on Thursday, October 26. The phone includes an in-built UPI application to facilitate transactions. It also has FM radio connection that is wireless. On the purchase of the smartphone, the manufacturer offers a one-year replacement warranty. The phone is available in single-SIM and dual-SIM configurations, with or without a charger. It comes in two different colors. The device joins the Nokia 105 model, which debuted earlier this year with UPI 123PAY capability.
Nokia 105 Classic price
The Nokia 105 Classic is available in Blue and Charcoal color variants and costs Rs. 999 in India. The phone will be available for purchase on October 26 in four variants: single-SIM, dual-SIM, with and without chargers.
Nokia 105 Classic specs
The Nokia 105 Classic claims to have passed extensive durability testing and hence offers good performance even in the worst outdoor situations. The ergonomic design, including the precise spacing between keys, is intended to improve user experience.
Although HMD Global has not yet released a complete specification sheet for the Nokia 105 Classic, the company has verified that the phone's 800mAh battery provides a long battery life with prolonged standby time.
Other significant features of the Nokia 105 Classic include wireless FM radio connection capabilities. It provides consumers with the pleasure and enjoyment of FM radio without the need to carry along a set of earbuds.
The business stated that the Nokia 105 Classic supports UPI transaction accessibility in a press statement, but did not specify which UPI application it comes with. In addition, the phone comes with a one-year replacement guarantee from the date of purchase.
Meanwhile, the Nokia 105 (2023) is available in India for Rs. 1,299 and comes in Charcoal, Cyan, and Red color variants. It debuted alongside the Nokia 106 4G, which costs Rs. 2,199 in India.
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