Users of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 series in India have apparently begun receiving the Wear OS 4-based One UI 5 upgrade. The Galaxy Watch 4 is available in 40mm and 44mm sizes, as well as 42mm and 46mm Galaxy Watch 4 Classic sizes. Along with new and updated widgets, the update, which was launched in the United States last week, includes security fixes through July 2023. The update also brought the NFC-based Samsung Pay functionality to Indian consumers, however it does not appear to be functional.
According to Sammobile, Samsung has begun pushing out the Wear OS 4-based One UI 5 Watch upgrade for Galaxy Watch 4 series customers in India. The update includes new watch faces and tiles, such as a power tile that displays the battery status of all connected Samsung devices, a timer tile, and a Buds controller tile.
The Galaxy Buds tile appears to allow users to activate or disable 360 Audio straight from their watches. Users may now choose to utilize the whole album as their background or backdrop rather than just one image. The update now enables the usage of the Smart Switch app to save watch data backups in the Samsung Cloud. Users may also link the Galaxy Watch 4 to a new device without completing a factory reset with this update.
The One UI 5 Watch upgrade provides personalized heart rate zones, improved sleep coaching, and cycling training logs. This update also adds the ability to change call volume, mute sound, and push keypad keys straight from the Galaxy Watch 4. According to the article, it also allows the Samsung assistant Bixby to read alerts.
According to another Sammobile report, the upgrade, which also extends the Samsung Pay capability to the Galaxy Watch 4 series, does not allow customers to employ the NFC-based 'tap and pay' option. After installing the Samsung Pay app, it should show in the smartwatch's app drawer. The paired smartphone then urges users to update the watch to the most recent software version after walking them through the app's suggestions and uses.
The hitch is that the wristwatch has already been upgraded to the most recent software (which added the capability to the device), rendering the Samsung Pay app on the Galaxy Watch 4 unusable, trapped in a never-ending loop of upgrades. According to the article, the problem might be the result of the payment service's recent rebranding. Samsung upgraded Samsung Pay and renamed it Samsung Wallet. According to reports, the One UI 5 Watch-powered Galaxy Watch would look for Samsung Pay rather than Samsung Wallet.
Tags: #samsung #samsunggalaxywatch4series #galaxywatch4series #oneui5update #samsungpay