Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K debuted in India on Friday as the company's newest 43-inch smart TV. It has a 4K display with a refresh rate of 60Hz and compatibility for HDR10 content. The resolution of the smart TV is 3,840 x 2,160 pixels. A quad-core A55 CPU and a Mali G52 MC1 GPU power the Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K. Connectivity options include Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi, AirPlay 2, and Miracast. The newly released smart TV comes with 24W speakers that support Dolby Audio, DTS Virtual X, and DTS-HD technologies.
Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K pricing and availability in India
The Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K pricing in India is Rs. 26,999. The smart TV will be available for purchase on and Amazon. In addition, the business is providing a free one-year extended warranty for the smart TV.
Specs and features of the Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K
The Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K has a bezel-less 4K (3,840 x 2,160 pixel) display that supports HDR10 content. It has the company's Vivid Picture Engine and 24W stereo speakers, as well as Dolby Audio and DTS:X technology.
Redmi Smart Fire TV 4K is powered by a quad-core A55 CPU, Mali G52 MC1 GPU, 2GB RAM, and 8GB storage. It runs on Fire OS 7, which enables access to over 12,000 apps, including Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, Jio Cinema, and Zee5. Furthermore, the TV supports multiple profiles, parental control, Alexa voice assistant, and Amazon Fire TV.
Furthermore, the newly released smart TV has Wi-Fi 802.11 ac and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity choices. According to the business, it also has three HDMI connectors, two USB ports, and an AV and 3.5mm audio jack.
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