Mercedes-Benz India announced on Friday the expansion of its electric vehicle charging network to customers of other brands in an effort to expedite the country's adoption of electric vehicles. The company also unveiled the top-of-the-line EQE 500 4MATIC electric SUV for an initial price of Rs 1.39 crore (all India ex-showroom) as well as a new 'Customer Experience Centre' in Chakan, Pune.
Mercedes-Benz is also assisting India's EV (Electric Vehicle) transition by decentralizing the ultra-fast charging network. According to Santosh Iyer, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Mercedes-Benz India (MBI), all EV customers in India, regardless of brand, may now enjoy the exquisite Mercedes-Benz experience while using the company's charging network.
The firm claims to have the largest charging network in the luxury automobile industry, with 140 chargers located at various sites. There are 40 chargers in the 180 kilowatt and 60 kilowatt ranges, indicating rapid charges.
"...we will be expanding this entire charging facility, not only for Mercedes customers, but for all brands, luxury and mass," Iyer added.
He stated that the action will assist to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in India.
Furthermore, MBI has created an app in collaboration with Bengaluru-based Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India (MBRDI) that allows EV consumers to access an additional 150 superchargers, according to Iyer.
Any user, Mercedes or non-Mercedes, may download the app, which provides access to a rapid charging network across India and can aid in day-to-day commute or their interested commute, according to Iyer.
"We are strengthening our BEV portfolio by launching the EQE 500 4MATIC SUV," he stated of the introduction. This is a significant addition to our BEV line, with segment-leading luxury interiors, technology, and connection, among other features." According to the firm, the EQE 500 4MATIC SUV has a segment-best 10-year battery guarantee and a service period of once every two years.
The country's first-of-its-kind Customer Experience Centre would serve a variety of functions, ranging from curated private consultations and personalized automobile deliveries to hosting top-tier clients' own corporate events, he added.
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