The OnePlus Open, the smartphone company's rumored foldable product, is expected to be launched shortly. According to a recent story, the next OnePlus phone was recently put through a durability test, where it performed admirably. Though OnePlus has yet to release an official launch date or any other specifics about the phone, leaks and rumors about the OnePlus Open have already circulated online. The phone's color possibilities were recently disclosed. It is scheduled to be released in Emerald Eclipse and Voyage Black color schemes.
Tipster Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) revealed in a post that the alleged OnePlus Open has been put through a durability test and has survived over 4,00,000 folds with no damage to the hinge or display. If this is accurate, the next OnePlus foldable might outperform Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold 5's claim of 200,000 folds. However, this is not yet official, as OnePlus has yet to divulge any specifics.
#OnePlusOpen has apparently been put through a lot of testing. You can open and close it for at least 400.000 times which is equivalent to like 100 folds a day for up to 10 years
— Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) August 29, 2023
Meanwhile, the color possibilities for the OnePlus Open have just been revealed. The handset will most likely be available in Emerald Eclipse and Voyage Black colors.
Previously, the OnePlus Open was expected to be less expensive than the recently released Galaxy Z Fold 5. The cellphone is expected to cost less than Rs. 1,20,000, whereas the Samsung smartphone costs Rs. 1,54,999 in India for its 12GB RAM + 256GB storage option. Furthermore, the first OnePlus foldable phone is said to be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, along with up to 16GB of RAM and up to 256GB of internal storage.
The device will include a 7.8-inch 2K AMOLED inner screen with a refresh rate of 120Hz and a 6.3-inch AMOLED exterior display. It will most likely include two 32-megapixel front-facing camera sensors. It might have a 50-megapixel rear sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS), a 48-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide lens, and a 32-megapixel sensor with a periscope lens on the back panel.