The Honor 90 5G will be available in India shortly. In May of this year, the device was introduced in China with a pro model. The Honor 90 Pro, which has yet to be confirmed for release in India, is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC and has a 5,000mAh battery with 90W wired fast charging capabilities. HonorTech CEO Madhav Sheth earlier teased the Honor 90, and a tipter has now revealed the features and pricing range of the Indian edition.
In a tweet, tipster Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) speculated that the Indian model of the Honor 90 5G will be available in Black, Green, and Silver color variants, with a price range of Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000.
Honor 90 5G
— Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) September 5, 2023
- 6.7" 1.5K curved AMOLED, 120Hz
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC
- upto 12GB RAM/ 256GB storage
- 200MP + 12MP + 2MP
- Android 13, MagicOS 7.1
- Mono speaker, in-display FP
- 5,000mAh battery, 66W Charging
Price: ₹30-40k segment
Colors: Black, Silver & Green
The Honor 90 5G in India will reportedly include a 6.7-inch 1.5K curved AMOLED display with a refresh rate of 120Hz. It will be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC with up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage. The phone might come with MagicOS 7.1, which is based on Android 13.
The Honor 90 5G is rumored to include a triple back camera setup, with comparable specifications to its Chinese version. A 200-megapixel primary rear sensor, a 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 2-megapixel sensor with a macro lens are all plausible. Although the tipster did not specify the front camera specifications, a 50-megapixel sensor is possible.
The Honor 90 Indian model is believed to include a 5,000mAh battery and capability for 66W wired fast charging. The phone will most likely include an in-display fingerprint sensor for security. The phone will most likely have a single speaker.
In China, the Honor 90 5G starts at CNY 2,499 (approximately Rs. 29,160) for the basic 12GB + 256GB edition, while the 16GB + 256GB and 16GB + 512GB variants cost CNY 2,799 (about Rs. 32,680) and CNY 2,999 (roughly Rs. 35,017), respectively.